somewhere within: a meditation - 2020

Trumpet & Electronics

Duration: 5:47”

This piece is composed of sounds recorded around Seattle, Washington. The obvious sounds are of seagulls, water lapping against stones, a buoy being inflated, and pebbles falling on the beach. Under those lie a ferry starting its engine, footsteps on a sidewalk, power lines, and even a volleyball game. The trumpet establishes two themes using whole tone scales, giving the listener a sense of being unmoored and searching. These themes develop until a crescendo abruptly ends at 4:02”. The trumpet then moves into a call and response echo of the original two themes, this time in pentatonic scales, giving the sense of being anchored and centered within oneself.

View score here.

Performed by: Jonathan Palomino

Video by: Duncan Ramsay

Heavy Masks - 2019


Duration: ca. 3:30”

This solo explores the topic of toxic masculinity and the facades that men show to the world. Two themes are introduced initially, followed by a development section that devolves into violence and chaotic forms of the thematic content. The middle section is a development of the first theme, where facades are let down and the violence subsides. This is followed by a momentary restatement of the secondary theme and a melancholy hint at the original theme that is left unfinished.

View score here

Performed by: Ovidiu Marinescu

Video by: David Klock with collaboration from Cesar A Ramirez V Trophitho, Kmeel Stock, and Finding Footage

Header photo by Caleb Young